The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa Terkeurst– This is all about saying yes and saying NO! You have to know your limits. There are 5 questions you should …
book review
Book Review: Winning Every Woman’s War Defeating Temptations
I was excited to get my hands on Winning Every Woman’s War by Cathy Messcar and Deanna Kohl. This book is written in a beautiful way. It feels as though I am sitting with girlfriends discussing the everyday temptations and inner battles. The authors are honest and humble and you feel like your girlfriends are confiding in you about their battles. I wanted to pour my heart out as I read the book.
Book Review: The Promise by Beth Wiseman
I just finished reading The Promise by Beth Wiseman, I could not wait to share it with you! This story is completely captivating. From the first chapter I could relate to the characters. I felt like …
What Will You Wear Today? (Christian Book Review: The Fitting Room by Kelly Minter)
“You are NOT leaving this house like that!” Did your mom or dad ever say that to you? Do you say that to your child? As a parent, I try to let my kids dress …