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When you’re sick, taking care of yourself is essential while simultaneously looking after your body. This can be a challenge, particularly when your nose, throat, and other parts of you feel like they’re on fire. But with the right foods, staying healthy and hydrated is much easier. Acute illnesses are no fun, but they are a part of life. You will get sick again in the future — just hopefully not too soon. When you’re sick, your immune system is fighting against something that has entered your body (whether it was from the flu or some other virus). However, this doesn’t mean that you have to go back to eating junk food as soon as you get better. This article will share some helpful tips on coping with being unwell when you also have limited energy reserves and an impaired appetite due to feeling nauseous or exhausted.

Nutrition for Recovery

When you’re sick, your body is expending more energy and nutrients than usual. This can leave you feeling depleted and weak. Eating foods that provide the proper nutrients can help you reach the goal of a speedy recovery. Here are some nutrients that can help you out when you’re sick:

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential for immune system function. Moreover, it’s also used to repair tissue and heal wounds. Unfortunately, when you’re sick, your body uses a lot of vitamin C, meaning you risk becoming deficient. To avoid this, consume foods rich in vitamin C like oranges, bell peppers, kiwis, strawberries, broccoli, and mangoes. 

Zinc: Zinc is part of the immune system and is therefore very important in the fight against infection. Symptoms of zinc deficiency can include impaired healing, skin rashes, and taste disorders. Zinc is abundant in protein-rich foods like meat, fish, and eggs. You can also get it from certain dairy products, fortified cereals, and legumes. 

Vitamin B: Vitamin B is a group of essential nutrients that are important for many functions in the body. These include cellular repair, metabolism, and nervous system function. When you’re sick, you need to take extra care of your body, meaning you should try to get as much B-vitamin as possible. 

Carbohydrates: While you may think you should avoid carbohydrates when you’re sick, this isn’t the case. While being ill your body requires energy, and carbohydrates are a great source of fuel. Moreover, they are also crucial for immune system function.

Soups and Broths

Soups are an excellent way to give yourself the nutrients you need when you’re sick. They’re easy to digest, particularly if you’re experiencing nausea. They’re also naturally rich in minerals and vitamins. If you’re feeling under the weather, try to avoid soups made with milk or cream. A good alternative is a broth-based soup, which is lower in calories. Chicken and vegetable broth are good choices; you can add rice or noodles to make the soup more substantial. You might even want to try out Mexican soup, aka sopa de fideo, which is noodle soup with a Hispanic twist. If you’re feeling well enough, try to make your own soup. You can put whatever you like in it and control the amount of salt and other seasonings. Soups are also a great way to use up any vegetables starting to wilt in your fridge. Check out this chicken soup recipe you can make in the instant pot!

Lean Proteins

Proteins are essential for growth, repair, and immune system function. They’re also great at helping you feel full, which can be helpful if you’re experiencing nausea or vomiting due to illness. Avoid fatty meats like hamburgers, bacon, and sausage if you’re sick. Instead, opt for leaner proteins like fish, chicken, eggs, and beans. Beans are also a good source of carbohydrates, and they’re rich in fiber. You should avoid raw meat and eggs if you have a weakened immune system. This is because they can be a significant cause of food poisoning. When you’re sick, it’s also important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Protein takes more energy and water to digest than carbohydrates, so lean proteins are a better option if you’re not feeling so great.

Complex Carbs

Complex carbohydrates are the best source of energy when you’re sick. They’re easy to digest and provide the body with long-lasting energy. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If you’re not feeling up to eating solid foods, try to drink some fruit juice. It’s easy to digest, and it provides vitamins and minerals. However, when you’re ill, it’s important not to overdo it with fiber. Fiber is great for healthy digestion, but it can also cause you to feel full very quickly. This can be problematic if you’re trying to eat as much as possible to provide your body with the nutrients it needs for recovery.

Vitamin D-Rich Foods

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth, but it’s also vital for immunity. You’re more likely to get sick if you’re not getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is a problem that mainly affects people who live in Northern latitudes during the winter. This is because there’s less UVB radiation in the winter, and your body can’t make vitamin D from it. If you’re sick, ensure you get ample vitamin D in your diet. You can find vitamin D in some fish (salmon, mackerel, and herring), eggs, and certain dairy products. Vitamin D is best absorbed when you’re not feeling unwell. Therefore, if you’re sick, it’s better to eat foods rich in them than to take a vitamin D supplement. This is because your body will have a more challenging time absorbing it when you’re already sick.


When you’re sick, you need to be as careful about what you put in your body as you would when you’re healthy. Eating the right foods is even more critical when you’re sick. This is because sick people have weaker immune systems, meaning they can get sicker and take longer to get better if they don’t care for themselves properly. Ill people also have more difficulty gaining strength if they aren’t eating the right foods. Therefore, when you’re sick, try to eat foods that are easy to digest and provide the nutrients you need to recover as quickly as possible.

Heather Brummett

I am Heather Brummett . I'm just a real mom, sharing my real life experiences with the world. Thank you for being a part of my world. Here you will find recipes, crafts, fun ideas for the kids, how to work at home, encouragement, inspiration, and the latest news in and around Houston. To be featured or for information on freelance work contact me at [email protected].

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