The last time I felt this way was January 2010. I remember it very well. That is when I made the HUGE leap of faith and quit my full time job to stay home with my kids. I was so unhappy and struggling to be a working mom. I had 2 kids in day care and hated going to work every single day. We decided for the benefit of me, our marriage, and our family I needed a change. There was no guarantee that it would work. It was going to be a struggle for sure.
You know what happened? I started blogging full time and making money! I worked in my spare time at first and within a year, I was making a real income. Fast forward to 5 years later and blogging lead to my full time job that I have now. I absolutely love it.
But I find myself right back where I was 5 years ago. I am worn out, depressed, and feel lost. I have lost my passion and want it back. I find myself short on time, all the time. In fact, I am missing my daughter’s practice and church tonight because I am so exhausted. Something is wrong.
I decided to make a list. I encourage everyone to re-evaluate your load every few months. Are you doing too much? Not enough? The wrong thing? I read that people work better when they are appreciated and have harmonious passion about their job. I am not surprised! And do you know the Top 2 things women are passionate about?
Being a good daughter, mother, sister, wife/partner, aunt, granddaughter, friend and member of the community… and living a life filled with meaning and finding the “balance” to enjoy their lives. – Forbes
Here is my list:
- God (My spiritual life)
- Kids and Husband
- Family (Both immediate and extended)
- Health / my weight loss journey
- Blogging
- Helping others
- Friends (my few close friends)
- Financially independent
- Being the best at my job
So, when I am not living my passions, it is time to re-evaluate things. What do I eliminate? What do I add? How can I re-ignite my passions?
It is time for a change! A BIG change! It is time for another leap of faith. I am following my heart.
What do you think? Do you think you should follow your passions? Do you think that is irresponsible? Do you get burned out? Do you believe you should LOVE what you do or keep on going whether you like it or not?