What is Nutrisystem Turbo 10 and Turbo Takeoff you ask? I wanted to know too. I start my Nutrisystem today and I was curious what is the Nutrisytem Turbo 10 and why should I be …
video review
Are You Ready For Some Football? Introducing NCAA Football 13 #NCAAfootball13 #CBias
I have some BIG news! Are you a huge video game fan? Do you love football? Well I am about to make your day! NCAA Football 13 will hit Walmart shelves on July 10th At …
See Up Close Why I Love The Chevy Traverse #chevygirls
I am so excited to be apart of the Chevy Gotta Love Houston Chevy Girls on the Go! You may not believe me but I had no idea what the Traverse was when I heard …
How to price match at Walmart (Video How To)
Many of you have asked about ad match or price matching at Walmart. I gave it a try and did a video to show you how I did it. Let me know if you have …