I HATE the word TAXES!!! And it is that time of year. The papers from last year are rolling in. I used to think I had to pay someone to do my taxes since they are complicated. BUT…I wanted to tell you all that I used H & R Block last year and did it all by my little self!
It Works!
It walks you through the process and helps you along the way.It makes filing taxes from home easy! They help you to get the maximum deductions and tax refund! It helped me with adding in deductions I did not know I could use.
If you are considering doing taxes yourself I recommend the FREE H & R Block At Home. Don’t give the tax people part of your hard earned refund! You CAN do it yourself!
Sign up here and take a look around the site.
favorite thing about tax season: the lady liberty’s that are waving signs around on the streets. LOVE IT!
Thanks for the H&R info. I’ll tell my hubby. He’s our tax-man.
Yes, it does work and we were very happy!