The past few years I have chosen one word to base my new year on. I do not do resolutions. I do a word. In 2014, I started sharing my word with you. 2014 was Embrace and 2015 was Intentional. 2016 has been a hard one to decide on. I see lots of changes this year. A year of growth and renewal.
I had many words in mind:
- restore
- whole
- focus
- ignite
- health
- transform
- joy
- balance
How do I pick one word to describe all I hope to accomplish this year? One word to sum it all up and encourage me to stay on track?
Psalms 51 helped me decide on my word!
Psalms 51:10 –Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
I decided on CREATE!
- Create a new body
- Create a new mind
- Create more writing
- Create quality time with family
- Create new oppertunities
- Create joy where there is none
- Create peace where there is none
- Create more art and DIY
- Create more time for devotion and prayer
- Create closer relationships
- Create a stronger relationship with God and create a renewed spirit
I want to create a NEW ME that I can be proud of. Create things that make me smile. Create happy moments and memories.So for 2016 I want to create!
Simple Definition of create
: to make or produce (something) : to cause (something new) to exist
: to cause (a particular situation) to exist
: to produce (something new, such as a work of art) by using your talents and imagination
according to Merriam Webster
What is your word for 2016? Please share!
I love your word for 2016! Create brings so many options for growth in every area of life! This is the first year I’ve chosen a word but mine is Possibilities! I’m excited for this new year to see what’s ahead!
I love that Sharon! So many possibilities in all areas of our lives! I am also super excited to see what 2016 holds for us!