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Tinker Bell and her friends embarks on a new adventure into the never-before-seen mysterious Winter Woods, where Tink finds out that she has a sister and discovers other incredible secrets that will change her life forever in SECRET OF THE WINGS, releasing Today Tuesday October 23rd on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download.

We are very excited! I have an awesome review of this movie coming up for you later today. AND you will have a chance to WIN this DVD as well! While you wait please enjoy these Tink inspired winter activities.


Description: http://www.image.net/xads/thumbnail/166815499,79808CDCF8BA759A494In Disney’s “Secret of the Wings,” Tinker Bell ventures to the mysterious Winter Woods where she discovers she has a sister, Periwinkle—a sparkling new winter fairy!  

Together they have plenty of fun, as Periwinkle and the other Winter Fairies show Tink all the excitement to be had in wintertime.

If you want to follow in the ‘footprints’ of this adventurous pair and find out how to have your own fun in the snow, look no further. But do remember to wear your mittens!


MAKE A SNOWFAIRY – When the snow on the ground is thick or powdery, lie flat on your back with your arms and legs drawn tightly into your body.Then move your arms in and out as if you are flapping your wings. Do the same with your legs! Stand and admire your work. Does the shape you’ve left behind look a bit like a fairy?

CATCH SNOWFLAKES ON YOUR TONGUE – Have you ever felt snow on your tongue? Wait until the snow is falling heavily, lift yourface to the sky and stick out your tongue! The frosty snow will make it tingly!

HOW TO HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT! – With a grown-up, scoop up a handful of clean, powdery snow and roll it into a ball no bigger than the size of a tennis ball. Then, once it’s rolled, throw it at your opponent! Remember to only do this with snow that is dusty and powdery, and never aim your snowball at anyone’s head! Make sure you wear mittens or gloves to keep your hands warm!

GO SLEDDING – With a grown-up, find a gentle slope and position your sled heading downhill. Sit down and hold tight. On the count of three push yourself off! You’ll be whizzing and whirring until you reach the bottom. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a sled, you can use a flat sheet of cardboard!  

BUILD A SNOWFAIRY – You may have built a snowman before, but have you ev

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Heather Brummett

I am Heather Brummett . I'm just a real mom, sharing my real life experiences with the world. Thank you for being a part of my world. Here you will find recipes, crafts, fun ideas for the kids, how to work at home, encouragement, inspiration, and the latest news in and around Houston. To be featured or for information on freelance work contact me at [email protected].


  1. Great ideas! I love tying in activities to a certain movie or book! Thanks for these!! I know my daughters would love to do any of these, especially the building a snowfairy!

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