Spring has sprung! Well almost! The weather has been crazy but I want to start on my garden. So I started a garden indoors. I tried 2 methods and both have been successful so I wanted to share some tips on how to start a garden indoors.
How To Start A Garden Indoors: 2 Tips for easy indoor gardening
Method 1) Egg Shells!
YES! Egg Shells! Make sure you are careful to crack your eggs so that there is a nice “shell cup” left. Put them in the recyclable egg carton. Fill each carton with Peet Moss soil. Make a small hole in the middle and put your seeds in the hole and cover back up. Place this egg carton in a container that can hold it with room to bloom and have a lid. Place the container and lid in a sunny window.
After about 3 weeks I had sprouts! It was so exciting to see! Simply transport those into the garden. I am using a raised garden bed.
Method 2) Using A Greenhouse Kit
Use a Jiffy Ready to Go Grow Kit. It is called a seed starting greenhouse. There are many different kinds on Amazon or at Walmart.
I simply followed the instructions. I used some Burpee seed and seeds from my monthly subscriptions. You use the provided pods. The pods are peat pellets that are great for starting flower and herb seeds! Simply add water to your pods/ pellets, sow your seed, put near a window and watch them grow!
Both methods have been doing great for me! Here are some pictures after only 2 weeks in the Jiffy Greenhouse.
Now it is time to transplant these babies into the raise garden outside. I’ll update in a few weeks.