This week we received a BLESSING! My brother and his wife had their baby! She made a surprise entrance into this world at only 35 weeks. She is an amazing little girl. She is can not breath on her own so they have her on machines to help her learn how. I think it is routine for babies born at 35 weeks. But every mom out there knows that it doesn’t mater when it is your baby! We all want our babies to be born healthy and ready to be held and loved on. So it is hard not being able to hold this precious baby!
Would you all please pray for my niece Addision. Pray for complete and quick health! And for her mom and dad who want to be with her and hold her!
You all are awesome and a great support! THANK YOU!
I had one baby at 32 weeks and one at 27 so I know how your sister-in-law must be feeling. If this is her first child it will be especially difficult. I will be praying for her and baby Addison.
I also gave birth at 35 weeks. My daughter did strugle to breath as well. She also wouldnt eat so she lost alot of weight. She was in the NICU for a week but it seemed like forever. It was avery trying time for me and my husband. Our 3 year old daughter didnt understand what was going on but she cried everytime we came home without the baby. I hope it wont be long till your sweet baby is ready to go home!
Bless her little heart. Will be praying for her and your family. Austin was born at 34 1/2 weeks and spent 11 days in the NICU. It is incredibly scary and photos like that just make me flash back to Austin. Keep us posted on how she is doing.
Aw, count me in for prayers for the little darling.
Will keep them in my prayers. Photos like this take me back 20 years to the day my daughter was born. She was born at 26 weeks and only weighed a pound and a half.
Hope mom and dad are able to hold Addison soon.
Prayers are being said for Addison and her family ! Thanks for sharing.
Prayers going up.
Thank you all so much1 I have shared your stories with my sis in law. All of your prayers are being felt! Addison is struggling. Please keep the prayers coming!
New life is such a precious blessing! I will keep your little niece and your family in my prayers.
Aww poor little darling! God bless her!
Congrats Aunt Heather on having a precious baby niece! I’ll keep Addison, her Mommy & Daddy in my prayers. It must be so hard for them not to be able to hold their little bundle of joy. Praying that she will be in their arms soon. I love her name. 🙂
[…] I posted yesterday, Addison was born at 35 weeks and is in the NICU. Last night was really rough. The Doctors noticed she was not doing as well as […]