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If you are keen to make sure that you are taking proper care of your dog, there are a lot of areas that you will likely want to focus on in general. The truth is that feeding your dog right is hugely important for their overall health and wellbeing, so it’s the kind of thing that you have to think about early on. And as it turns out, taking the right approach towards feeding your dog can actually be more challenging than people often assume. Here are some of the main considerations to be aware of here.

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First of all, it’s important that you are feeding your dog with as much regularity as possible. That will mean that they are much more likely to have a long and healthy life, so that’s something that you will certainly want to make sure of. At the very least, you should feed your dog once a day, but more likely it should be more like twice a day, or even thrice depending on the dog’s breed and size. Of course, if your vet recommends something else, that should take precedence, especially if it is due to a medical condition or something similar.

Choosing Dog Food

When it comes to actually choosing what dog food you are going to feed to your dog, there are quite a few things to think about. First of all, it is not always the case that the more expensive stuff is better for their health. Yet, if you only ever feed them the basics, they are probably not going to get all the nutrients they need. So it’s important that you try out as many options as you can. Soon enough you will come across an option that they enjoy and which seems to be good for them.

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Provide Variety

You will also want to make sure that you provide some variety to your dog’s diet. That will mean that you give them dry food as well as wet, but also that you give them some well-chosen alternative foods from time to time. In general, feeding them human food is not a good idea, but there are some exceptions. For instance, many people wonder: is oatmeal safe for dogs? And the fact is that it can actually be quite good for their digestion, amongst other benefits. So there is some place for giving them certain human foods within reason.


And don’t forget about water. Your dog needs to stay well hydrated as well as everything else, so that is going to be something that you need to think about. You should ensure that they have plenty of fresh water available pretty much all the time, so that they are much more likely to remain healthy and not going to dehydrate. That is a hugely important part of this – and their wet food will also go some way to helping hydrate them too.

Those are just the main considerations when it comes to feeding your dog.

Heather Brummett

I am Heather Brummett . I'm just a real mom, sharing my real life experiences with the world. Thank you for being a part of my world. Here you will find recipes, crafts, fun ideas for the kids, how to work at home, encouragement, inspiration, and the latest news in and around Houston. To be featured or for information on freelance work contact me at [email protected].

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